Open Call 2024 - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

General Questions:

  • What is “seed funding”?

The £3000 Kakilang Commission is expected to be used by the artist as seed funding for the proposed work. Kakilang will support commissioned artists in further fundraising to significantly increase the resource and impact of your proposed work, including any application for Arts Council England project funding , and any other suitable funding bodies/opportunities.

We also offer support to commissioned artists in building partnership with venues to secure additional commission funds and performance fees as appropriate.

Your proposal should outline your ideal budget and creative team for your project to be fully realised, using the Kakilang Commission as seed funding.

  • Do commissioned artists have to present their work in London?

Commissioned artists may present their work outside of London, and still be a part of Kakilang Season 2025.

Although Kakilang is London based, we will be considering how best to support and maximise the impact and reach of proposals in engaging audiences/people both in London and regionally, and not exclusively to either.

  • Do I need to have a venue/space to present my work either planned or secured to apply for the commission?

You do not need to secure a venue/space in advance in order to apply.

Our selection process will take into consideration the feasibility and impact of your project, including your plans/ideas for what kind of spaces, or venue partners would be best suited to present your work and engage with audiences/people. You may also already have an existing relationship with a venue that you would like to work with on your project (for example, if you have worked with a venue before, or are a resident artist at a certain venue). In any case, we would offer producing support as required to build venue partnership and realise the work.

  • If I don’t have any plans for a venue/space for my work to be presented, will my application be less likely to be successful?

If you don't have any current plans for suitable spaces, or secured venues, we will still consider your proposal. The quality, ambition, and impact of your project are the most important factors in our selection criteria. We will be considering how we can best support a proposal, including building suitable space/venue partnership. If you are selected for an interview, this can be further discussed.

  • Would all creatives and collaborators need to be established, or could this be provided through the producing support of this project?

Outlining your planned creative team / collaborators will help demonstrate the feasibility and quality of your proposal. However, you do not need all of your team confirmed, and Kakilang will be able to offer producing support to commissioned artists in connecting you with any artists/technical specialists to help realise the work.

  • Is there a deadline to show the outcome?

Your proposed work must be presented anytime between January 2025 - December 2025.

  • How should I plan my project’s timeline?

And are there certain dates/months that I should aim for my work to be presented to fit with Kakilang Season 2025 programming?

There are no specific dates/periods that need to line up with other Kakilang events.

A proposed timeline should take into account the following:

  • The availability of your proposed creative team

  • Time for effective planning and fundraising

  • Time for research and development

  • A proposed period for presentation between Jan and Dec 2025

Your proposed timeline will help us understand your project better and its feasibility. We understand that any proposed timeline may be subject to change, and commissioned artists will receive producing support to help ensure an effective timeline to realise your work. Support from Kakilang in building venue partnership and a schedule for programming will prioritise the success and impact of your work.

  • Does the Kakilang commission favor certain mediums/practices?

No. We are looking to support any work that is ambitious, bold, and impacful, and all practices and mediums will be given equal consideration. The Kakilang Commissions will be awarded exclusively to interdisciplinary work that involves 2 or more practices, where the different practices are core to the proposed work.

  • Which commission (performing or non-performing) should I apply to?

The Kakilang Commissions will be awarded as seed funding for interdisciplinary work that engages audiences/people either through live performance, exhibition, interactive, or interdisciplinary event. You may want to apply as an individual interdisciplinary artist, or as collaborator/collective working with other artists to realise interdisciplinary work. Subsequently, many lead artists may feel their proposed work is both performing arts and non-performing arts centred.

Kakilang will extensively consider all commission applications, regardless of which commission you choose to apply for. Choosing the commission that best fits your proposed work (performing or non-performing) helps us understand how we can best support your proposed project in relation to our programming.

Other Questions:

  • Can I apply for the commission to create a film/short film?

The Kakilang Commissions will be awarded for interdisciplinary work that engages audiences/people either through live performance, exhibition, interactive, or interdisciplinary event.

Some relevant examples include (but are not limited to):

  • Presenting a film and/or video installation as part of an exhibition involving other visual arts

  • A live music event that integrates the presentation of film work

  • A site-specific work using multiple film projections, where audiences move through different spaces - choosing different scenes in their own time and order, to reimagine how audiences engage with film as a live interactive experience.

  • I'm a non-performing artist and I don’t perform. However, my proposal is a work of performing arts / I am lead artist on a performing arts work. Which commission should I apply to?

If you a the lead artist with a background in non-performing arts, and non-performig arts practice/s are still central to your proposed work, you should apply for the Non-Performing Arts Commission.

Alternatively, if you are a lead artist with a background in non-performing arts, but you feel that performing arts is more central to your proposed work, you may choose to apply to the performing arts commission instead.

All applications will be extensively considered regardless of which commission you choose to apply to. Choosing the commission that best fits your proposed work (performing or non-performing) helps us understand how we can best support your proposed project in relation to our programming.

  • Can Kakilang programme at unique non-arts spaces / site-specific venues?

Kakilang can provide producing support for commissioned artists to build relationships with suitable venue partnerships. We can also broker relationships with non-arts spaces that might be suitable for site-specific and other uniquely presented performances.

If you do not have specific spaces in mind at the point of application, we will consider how we can support in response to your proposal, including approaching non-standard spaces.

It may also be possible to create immersive experiences/geolocated events at arts venues with unique spaces (for example, previous Kakilang partners Shoreditch Town Hall, or Barbican).